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    Release date 10 October 2023.



    1. Identification of the owner of the Website
    2. Information and terminology
    3. Typological classification of Cookies
    4. Details of cookies used
    5. Third Party or Partner Features
    6. Consent to the use of Cookies
    7. Disable and block Cookies
    8. Changes to the Cookies Policy

     Responsible: Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K)

    Address: Av.Central 22 ap.37, 12594, Oropesa del Mar (Castellón), España

    Telephone: +34642264291

    E-mail: privacy@marmadot.com

    Website: http:/marmadot.com



    Responsible: Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K)


    Dirección: Av.Central 22 ap.37, 12594, Oropesa del Mar (Castellón), España
    Contact: Tel.: +34642264291 – Email: privacy@marmadot.com
    Registration data:
    Actividad: Programming and analytics of information systems.





    Our website http:/marmadot.com (hereinafter “Website”) uses a technology called “cookies” in order to collect information about the use of the Website, in accordance with the provisions of article 22 of the LSSI.

    Cookies are small files that web pages, online stores, intranets, online platforms or similar, store in the browser of the user who visits them and that allow the recovery of information already stored and provide innumerable advantages to web browsing in the provision of interactive services. , as well as providing relevant information to the owner of the Website.




    The following classification of possible types of Cookies, which are offered as a guide as they are the most common, helps to better understand the functions they perform:




    Depending on who the entity is that manages the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, we can distinguish:

    1. a) Own cookies:

    They are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

    1. b) Third party cookies:

    They are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

    In the event that the cookies are served from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as its own cookies if the third party uses them for its own purposes. (for example, the improvement of the services provided or the provision of advertising services in favor of other entities).




    There are many purposes for the use of cookies. Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is processed, some of the purposes may be:


    a) Technical cookies:

    They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist therein, including those that the editor uses to allow the management and operation of the web page and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment , control fraud linked to the security of the service, make a request for registration or participation in an event, count visits for the purposes of billing licenses for the software with which the service works (website, platform or application), use elements security during browsing, store content for the dissemination of videos or sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of loading a text or image) or share content through social networks.

    Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are those cookies that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as another element of design or “layout” of the service offered to the user, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform based on criteria such as the edited content, without collecting information from users for other purposes, such as personalizing that advertising content or other content.

    Technical cookies will be exempt from compliance with the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI when they allow the service requested by the user to be provided, as is the case with the cookies listed in the previous paragraphs. However, if these cookies are also used for non-exempt purposes (for example, for behavioral advertising purposes), they will be subject to these obligations.

     b) Preference or personalization cookies:

    They are those that allow the user to remember information so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be displayed when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which the user accesses the service, etc.

    If it is the user themselves who chooses these characteristics (for example, if they select the language of a website by clicking on the flag icon of the corresponding country), cookies will be exempt from the obligations of article 22.2 of the LSSI because they are considered a service. expressly requested by the user, and this as long as the cookies serve exclusively the selected purpose.

     c) Analysis or measurement cookies:

    They are those that allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impacts of the advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by users of the service.

    Regarding the processing of data collected through analysis cookies, the WG29 stated that, although they are not exempt from the duty to obtain informed consent for their use, it is unlikely that they represent a risk to the privacy of users. provided that they are first-party cookies, that they process aggregate data for strictly statistical purposes, that information about their uses is provided and that the possibility for users to express their refusal regarding their use is included.

     d) Behavioral advertising cookies:

    They are those that store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.




    Depending on the period of time they remain activated in the terminal equipment, we can distinguish:

    a) Session cookies:

    They are those designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear when the session ends.


    b) Persistent cookies:

    They are those in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.




    The Cookies used on this website are detailed below, providing the following information:

    Cookie Name: Identification of the Cookie used

    Purpose: Purpose of the Cookie and intended uses

    Data collected: Information that monitors, collects and/or stores

    Temporality: It will be indicated if it is session (they disappear when the session ends), or persistent (in which case the duration of the Cookie will be indicated)

    Ownership: It will be indicated whether the information collected by the Cookie will be used by the owner of the website and/or by third parties. In the case of third parties, identification data will be provided.



    Additionally, this Website may make use of functionalities offered by third parties or partners who, in turn, collect navigation data for their own purposes.

    In these cases, the corresponding information is provided regarding the third-party functionalities used. Please note that Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K) DEL MAR is not responsible for the correct functioning of the links to the different privacy policies and use of cookies by third parties because ASOCIACIÓN DE Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K) cannot control when they are modified by the provider, so the User will be responsible for finding out the updated content in the respective privacy and cookie policies of said third parties.

    The third-party functionalities available on this Website are listed below (only those accepted by the user will be used), detailing the following information:

    Entity: Organization that provides the functionality (example: Facebook, Google, etc.)

    Purpose: Service provided by the third party (example: publishing videos on YouTube, posting comments on Social Networks, Website traffic analytics, etc.)

    Website: URL where you can read the privacy policy of the entity that provides the service

    Other information of interest: Any other relevant information.




    Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K) shows the User information about the use of Cookies on the Website through a pop-up message in which the User can perform the following actions, which will be stored in the browser as long as the User does not delete the history and Stored Cookies:

    Accept all Cookies, so the User will be consenting to the use of the cookies set forth in this Cookies Policy, for the indicated periods and under the established conditions.

    Reject all Cookies, except those technical Cookies essential for the correct functioning of the Website.

    Modify the configuration of the use of Cookies, where the User may selectively accept or reject each Cookie and/or by type.

    Accept all services offered by third parties, so the User accepts that the Website makes use of services offered by third parties, taking into account that they collect and process data collected during navigation in accordance with their own Cookie Policies.

    Reject all services offered by third parties, which will mean that the user will not be able to use the services offered by third parties on the website (Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.)

    Modify the configuration of the use of services offered by third parties, where the User may selectively accept or reject each service.

    Access the complete Cookies Policy of the Website, which details all aspects of the use of Cookies.

    Regardless of the above, the User will always be able to access the full text of the Cookies Policy and the usage configuration functionality in the footer of the Website.




    The User may configure the use of Cookies at their own discretion through the Cookie configuration option offered at the footer of the Website.

    Regardless of the above, you can restrict, block and/or delete the Cookies of Marmadot Web Development Studio (Kalantarov Georgy Y0666271K) or any other website, using the settings of your own browser, taking into account that, in each browser, the operation Cookies and History settings are different.

    Below, we provide you with some links where you can find out how to configure the use of cookies in the most popular browsers:











    In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:

    Ghostery: www.ghostery.com/
    Your online choices: www.youronlinechoices.com/es/




    We may update the Cookies Policy on our Website. Therefore, the Website User is recommended to review this policy every time they access our Website in order to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies.


    Version dated Oct 10, 2023